The Williston Area Chamber of Commerce Agriculture Committee and the Williams County Soil
Conservation District present:
Friday, july 18th, 2025
at nd malting & hops, inc.
5715 139th Avenue Northwest
Williston, ND 58801
Join us for a fun-filled evening!
enjoy A FARM-to-table meal featuring locally PRODUCED BEVERAGES
hear from globally recognized ag advocate, michele payn
learn about the robust agriculture industry in our region!
The agriculture industry is robust across North Dakota, and Williams County and northwestern North Dakota are no exception! The Farm to Table dinner is an opportunity to bring the agriculture industry and the community together to engage, learn, eat, drink, and be merry!
The evening will feature remarks from Michele Payn, known as one of North America's leading experts in connecting farm and food, Michele serves as a resource for people around the plate!
This dinner offers the public an interactive (and delicious!) way to learn about the expansive agriculture industry around them and the importance of those fields and pastures that span the region, seeing first-hand their impact on every meal plan, every trip to the grocery store, and every bite.
Program highlights
Keynote speaker
Michele Payn, CSP, connects the people and science of food and farming as principal of Cause Matters Corp. She is known for being a community catalyst, a passionate advocate for global agriculture - and antagonizing people into action. Michele has worked with farmers in more than 25 countries, raised millions of dollars for 4-H & FFA, and founded AgChat and FoodChat on Twitter. She is the author of four books, the new Science Story Speak, IPPY gold medalist Food Bullying, IPPY bronze medal winner Food Truths from Farm to Table, No More Food Fights!. Michele's degrees are in Agricultural Communications and Animal Science from Michigan State University. She has earned the Certified Speaking Professional designation, awarded to less than 10% of professional speakers globally. She resides with her 'city slicker' husband and cow-loving daughter on a small farm in central Indiana. She enjoys Registered Holsteins, the MSU Spartans, and making memories with friends around the table. Michele connects conversations around the food plate at www.causematters.com and on social media with @mpaynspeaker.
Michele payn

June 2024
Farm to table Highlights

2025 sponsors
ND Oilseed Council | Ameriprise Financial Services
Northern Canola Growers Associations
AGT Foods
Cropland Insurance
Ray Farmer’s Union Elevator