*All bios below were written and submitted by each candidate

ND senate - district 2 (1 seat)

  • My name is Mark Enget, and I am here today to ask for the privilege and honor of working for you as your District 2 State Senator. I regret being unable to be here with you today, but family comes first and I am attending the wedding of my nephew in Minnesota.

    After I retired in 2016, my wife Roxanne and I moved back to my hometown of Powers Lake. Roxie is from Kenmare, and we have been married for 39 years. We are blessed with a family of 3 married daughters and 3 granddaughters.

    I’m not a politician, and I’ve never dreamed of becoming one. Actually, I believe I am very much like you… I’m a concerned citizen.  Like you, I want our government to provide the very best educational opportunities for our children. Like you, I want to ensure our government defends the right to life and liberty for all of God’s creation. And like you, I want our government to work for us and with us, not against us. We simply ask that our government pursues and protects the freedoms and liberties that our constitution promises us!

    As for me, I am a businessman. I’ve enjoyed a 35-year career working in the oil industry around the world, and have worked in a variety of different capacities. I’ve worked as a field hand, managed local businesses, gone on to manage country businesses, and ultimately I managed global operations. My experiences taught me the art of leadership, the necessity of integrity, and the beauty of a well-executed plan. It is my belief that government should be run like a business…watching the dollars spent, making choices carefully and wisely, and insisting on positive outcomes. But the most important thing is always about providing value to the people I am serving.

    In my worklife, I’ve had plenty of political battles, done under duress and never by choice, but some battles need to be fought. If elected, my promise to you is that I will stand firm when the battle rages.

    So what’s important to me? First off, I am a Committed Christian. Faith is the bedrock of my value system, and the truths I hold dear are anchored by the test of time. In my view, truth isn’t relative nor subject to change. It doesn’t follow the whims of an ever-changing and fickle society.  Truth is eternal. It’s matter-of-fact. What was true yesterday, is true today, and will be true tomorrow. My integrity and strength of character is grounded by my Christian values.

    Secondly, I am a Conservative. That means I want to conserve our values, culture and North Dakota way of life. I believe in fiscal prudence. We only spend what we have, and we spend it carefully and responsibly. I believe in limited government. I don’t want the government monitoring everything we do, dictating a never-ending list of do’s and don'ts that we are compelled to adhere to. This is not what a free society is. I believe that our freedom is a gift from our Creator, and that government exists to protect that freedom, rather than threaten it.

    Thirdly, I am a Constitutionalist. I believe in the spirit of the Constitution just as it was written.  Our goal should be to reduce the size of our government, not look for ways to continually increase it. I believe in the principle of individual rights, and that law-abiding citizens should not be subject to the capricious nature of bureaucracy and left-leaning courts. Finally, I believe our forefathers got it right! When I read the constitution, I am amazed by how perfect & ingenious a document it is!

    Fourth, I am a Patriot. I love America, and I love North Dakota. I have been around the world and back, and I have found no better country, anywhere. When Roxie and I retired, we could have chosen any locale we desired. But we chose North Dakota. We wanted to live in a community consisting of people just like you.

    Now comes the most important part – and that’s all of you. We face a myriad of challenges today, and the response requires the efforts and spine of many, not just one. I fully understand that, if elected, I will be directly accountable to all of you. You rightfully have expectations of me, and I welcome that!

    I don’t profess to have all the answers, but I know that by asking the right questions, I will find the right answers. When we all get involved and work together, then anything is possible. Let’s be a force for good for the State of North Dakota! 

    I am asking for your vote and I look forward to serving you. Thank you.

  • Born and raised in Tioga. Graduated NDSU, then UND law school. Returned to Tioga/Williston to practice law in 1980. Served as Counsel to Governors Schafer and Hoeven for 11 years. Lobbyist/consultant for 18 years. Retired 2021. Married to Cherie for 37 years. Two adult sons; one grandson.

    Achievements/other boards & community involvement: One of the architects of the $10 billion Legacy Fund; founding member of ND Taxpayers Assn; former Treasurer/Chairman ND Republican Party. Board member of Truax Township, Tioga Area Economic Development, NW Rural Water and Western Area Water Associations

    Qualifications for this office:: Lifelong resident of North Dakota. Studied law; practiced law; have worked in every Legislative Session since 1993 until retirement in 2021. Know the process, and the importance of good policy for the people of ND--and enough courage to say what I think.

    Why do you want to run for this office?: We need mature, knowledgeable, people to help North Dakota provide economic opportunities, good jobs, a safe place to raise a family---and preserve both our personal freedoms AND our personal responsibility.

  • Born and raised in ND. Attended Minot State University and graduated with a degree in Business Admin Management. Worked in several industries over the years as an accountant. Moved back to ND in 2008 and bought a tax and bookkeeping practice in 2011.

    Achievements/other boards & community involvement: Currently on Prairie Tumbleweeds Board. Have been involved with several organizations over the years including Lions and Sons of Norway

    Qualifications for this office: Backround in accounting and management as well as agriculture. Have worked with clients on both sides of the aisle and in many industries.

    Why do you want to run for this office?: Decided it was time to put my money where my mouth was. Have said we needed a change in leadership so giving it a chance

ND HOUSE - district 2 (2 seats)

  • Lifelong resident of Divide County. Owner of Bert’s Woodworks .Married to Crosby native Diane Schwanz since 1975 Two adult children, four grandchildren all ND residents.

    Achievements/other boards & community involvement: Served on Crosby City Council -40 years.Former St.Luke’s Hospital Board member. Crosby Assembly of God-Board Member &Sec/Treas.

    Qualifications for this office: Have served in ND House of Representatives since 2015.

    Why do you want to run for this office?: Continue working to make ND a great place to live, work, raise a family and do business.

  • Born & raised in Bismarck. Graduate of Bismark High School and NDSU. Small business owner for 40 years, community/economic developer, Stanley School Board 21 years, Married ton Connie Erickson, Williston, ND 50+ years, two adult children, seven grandchildren, retired 2016, serving in ND House since 2017.

    Achievements/other boards & community involvement: Mountrail County Planning & Zoning Administrator & Disaster Emergency Coordinator, Souris Basin Planning Council Community & Economic Developer, Stanley Volunteer Ambulance Service, Stanley Lions Club, Recipient of Lions Club international Melvin Jones Fellow, & member and current President of Knife River Lutheran Church.

    Qualifications for this office: My experience in community & economic development in North Dakota, owning our own business in North Dakota, living in and serving on local volunteer boards, dealing with the good times and not so good times in North Dakota during the past 45 years and currently serving in the North Dakota House of Representatives gives me the knowledge, experience and desire to make North Dakota to be the best it can be!

    Why do you want to run for this office?: I have always wanted to do things to improve things and provide reasons for people to want to live and work in North Dakota.

  • I'm 35 years old, and I live in Fortuna. I'm a former broadcast and newsprint journalist. My parents both served in the US Army, and I was born in Germany.

    Achievements/other boards & community involvement: Current Vice-Chairman for the District 2 NDGOP.

    I served on the board of the Frontier Museum (2016) in Williston, and still keep in touch with them often.

    This year, I was a judge at the National History Day regional contest at Williston High School.

    Member of the Fortuna Curling Club and Northwest Sportsman's Club.

    Qualifications for this office: I've been active in local district politics (as well as city/county affairs), a delegate to the State Convention twice, and I work for a major national gun rights non-profit to protect Second Amendment Rights.

    Why do you want to run for this office?: I believe we need a fresh perspective and someone who will fight for District 2. I understand the changing landscape of technology, the struggles of local farmers, and the complexities of oil & gas. I've spent years as a journalist covering a wide variety of local issues, listening to the community, and now I seek to effectively represent us in Bismarck. We need a candidate who is transparent, actively communicates with voters, and is readily available to speak with. I'll use the skills I've developed during my career and apply them to the political arena.


  • I'm currently a retired high school English teacher living in rural Noonan-Columbus. I was raised on a small family farm near Wildrose and graduated from high school there and then went on to get a BA from UND. While in Grand Forks, I worked for a time as a parts manager for UND Aviation and a travel agent for Brekke Travel.

    After marrying a Divide County farmer/rancher, I returned to Northwest North Dakota in 1988 and have resided here since then on a farm in Burke County. I taught at Divide County High School from 1988-2015.

    My husband, who is now a manager at New Century Ag, have four grown children who are all college graduates and continue to live in the state, working in health care, oil field, hospitality, and veterans' care. We have eight lovely grandchildren.

    Achievements/other boards & community involvement: Current:

    Sons of Norway District IV Secretary

    Noonan American Legion President

    Liberty FCE President/DC FCE VP

    District 2 Dem-NPL Secretary

    Vidda Lodge Cultural Director

    Bethlehem Lutheran Church


    Divide County Education Association (and NEA)

    Zion Lutheran Church

    Meadowlark Arts Council

    Divide County School Election Board

    ND Cattlewomen

    Qualifications for this office: American citizen

    Resident of ND District 2

    Actively involved in school and community activities

    Concerned about the well being of our fellow ND citizens

    Law-abiding Christian who believes in Freedom of Religion as established in our US Constitution

    Why do you want to run for this office?: I became very concerned about the direction our government was heading after the election of Donald Trump in 2016, and now that he is running again in 2024, it is essential to create a better balance in our ND legislature to combat the extreme right-wing agenda arising in our country and reflected in our own legislature. I believe the current divisiveness and polarity in our culture was largely brought on by Mr. Trump's aberrant language and behavior, and, though he may have enacted some legislation that residents here find favorable, those actions came at a high cost, as our Democracy is now endangered.

    Leaders in North Dakota have been far too obsequious to Donald Trump; it's embarrassing to watch them battle to fall at his feet. Issues and values don't seem to matter any more; money and power seem to be the only driving agents.

    There is also far too much hypocrisy in government. We see government officials blaming the "other side" for actions they themselves have taken, and people don't seem to be able to distinguish the difference, largely because of the excessive misinformation and propaganda driving the political arena. I truly believe that we are not that different as human beings that we should be as divided as we are. We need to attempt to return to the middle, where we can make common sense decisions about our shared values and the laws governing our great state. Jailing librarians and women who need health care are not "Common Sense" decisions. We are in the 21st Century, not the 19th.

    I want to be a champion for the underdogs of North Dakota: the women, the children, the poor, the minorities, the legal immigrants, the day-care providers, the teachers, the health-care workers, the veterans, and the LGBTQ community. Those of us who proclaim Christian values must use that philosophy to govern fairly and empathetically with all of the citizens of North Dakota, not just a select group that we put above all others.

    Instead of pretending we live in a black-and-white world, we need to recognize that there is a lot of gray area involved in most issues, and we need to consider those variables when enacting our laws. North Dakota is not a one-size-fits-all society, and we need to govern accordingly.

  • Retired farmer living in Crosby.

    Graduate of Wildrose High School and University of North Dakota (B.A., J.D.)

    U.S. Army veteran, served in Germany in Vietnam Era.

    Served as legislative assistant to Senator Quentin Burdick.

    Was a lawyer in Rugby (and asst. State's Attorney) and Bismarck, but haven't practiced law since returning to the farm in the 1980s.

    Married, two adult stepsons.

    Achievements/other boards & community involvement: Served on Divide County Water Board

    Former member of Divide County Fair Board

    Divide County Food Pantry volunteer, vice-president

    Current President, Vidda Lodge, Sons of Norway

    Past Commander, Wildrose American Legion

    Wildrose Lions Club, gaming manager, past president

    Qualifications for this office: Adult citizen of the United States and resident of District 2.

    I have never "engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the [United States], or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."

    Why do you want to run for this office?: I was prompted in large part by “The Big Lie” and a Presidential candidate promising to be a “dictator”. We need to get back to common-sense politics.

    Too much Chaos Caucus in the U.S. House and similarly the ND legislature not doing their job, then illegally throwing all the things they needed to do in one bill on the last day of the session, necessitating taxpayers having to pay for a week of court-ordered special session to do it right.

    Overturning of Roe v. Wade is a national tragedy, and the last session tried to take away even more rights to essential health care.

    There has never been a time in history when those who ban books were the good guys.

    Too many commercials of the candidates for governor professing their support of veterans, then racing to the bottom arguing about which is the better supporter of the Presidential candidate who is a draft-dodger and who calls us "suckers" and "losers" for our service.

    We need legislatures who reflect our values and work to make our state a better place, not made-up issues chosen for perceived political advantage.

WBSD#7 school board: at-large (2 seats)

  • Cory Swint is a dedicated family man, business owner, and community leader. As a married father of four, his commitment to both his family and his community is unwavering. With a passion for plumbing, Cory has honed his skills to become a master plumber, providing top-notch service and expertise to his clients.

    In addition to his successful plumbing business, Cory is deeply involved in local governance, serving as a valued member of the school board for four years. His dedication to education and improving opportunities for students is evident in his tireless efforts to advocate for excellence in the local school system.

    In his spare time, Cory enjoys spending quality time with his family, traveling and experiencing new places. With a heart for service and a drive for success, Cory Swint continues to make a positive impact in both his professional endeavors and his community at large.

    Achievements/other boards & community involvement: Cory Swint, a devoted family man and entrepreneur, has made significant contributions to both his profession and his community.

    Dynamic Entrepreneur: As the founder and co-owner of a thriving plumbing business, Cory has demonstrated exceptional leadership and business acumen. Under his guidance, the company has experienced steady growth and earned a reputation for excellence in the industry.

    Master Plumber: With a relentless pursuit of mastery in his craft, Cory has attained the distinguished title of master plumber. His expertise and attention to detail ensure that every project is executed to the highest standards, earning the trust and satisfaction of clients.

    School Board Leadership: Serving as a dedicated member of the local school board for multiple terms, Cory has played a pivotal role in shaping educational policies and initiatives. His advocacy for student-centered approaches and equitable opportunities has contributed to the enhancement of educational outcomes in the community.

    Community Engagement: In addition to his service on the school board, Cory is actively involved in various other boards and community organizations. Whether it's participating in supporting youth sports programs, or volunteering at charitable events, he consistently seeks opportunities to give back and make a positive impact.

    Cory's unwavering dedication to excellence, both professionally and in his community endeavors, underscores his commitment to creating a brighter future for those around him.

    Qualifications for this office: With a diverse background and a proven track record of leadership and community engagement, Cory Swint possesses the qualifications necessary to serve effectively in public office. His extensive experience as a successful business owner and master plumber has equipped him with valuable skills in problem-solving, decision-making, and fiscal responsibility. Cory's service on the local school board has provided him with firsthand knowledge of the challenges facing educational institutions and a deep understanding of the importance of advocating for quality education for all students.

    Furthermore, Cory's involvement in various other boards and community organizations demonstrates his commitment to civic duty and his ability to collaborate with diverse stakeholders to achieve common goals. His strong work ethic, integrity, and dedication to serving the needs of his constituents make him a highly qualified candidate for public office. Cory Swint is ready to leverage his skills and experience to represent the interests of the community effectively and make a positive difference in the lives of its residents.

    Why do you want to run for this office?: My decision to run for office stems from a deep-rooted commitment to serving this community and making a meaningful impact on the lives of its residents. As a devoted husband, father, and business owner, I understand firsthand the challenges and opportunities facing families and businesses in our community. I'm passionate about creating a brighter future for future generations and believe that effective leadership and proactive policies are essential to achieving that vision. I'm running for office to be a voice for those who feel unheard and to continue to advocate for policies that promote success in education. I'm dedicated to addressing critical issues such as improving education, supporting local businesses, and enhancing infrastructure to ensure that our community remains vibrant and resilient.

    Moreover, I recognize the importance of transparency, accountability, and integrity in public service. I'm committed to fostering an open and inclusive government that prioritizes the needs and concerns of its constituents above all else. My reason for running for office is simple: I believe in the power of leadership to drive positive change and I'm committed to working tirelessly to build a better future for our community.

  • My name is Heather Wheeler and I have lived in Williston since 2010. I am the mother of 3 daughters, all graduating from WHS in 2012, 2020 and 2022. I have been married to my husband Dennis for 24 years. I have been a professional parent consultant/advocate for Family Voices of North Dakota for 13 years and have worked as an advocate for almost 20 years in various capacities with various organizations including Family Voices National, AAP, and private Physicians offices.

    Prior to moving to Williston we lived in Northern Michigan where I was actively involved in our school district and special education. I lobbied and advocated for families with children with special health care needs and disabilities at the local, state and federal level. My middle daughter suffers from several significant health needs, has significant mental deficits and is disabled so I understand firsthand the struggles that many parents struggle with each day and have focused the majority of my time on special education and the needs of all children.

    Achievements/other boards & community involvement: Currently I am Board President of Family Voices of North Dakota and have been reelected and held that position since 2013. I served on the Family and Patient Advisory board at CHI Williston from 2017-2022 and was co-chair during my last 3 years. I was on the WilMac Special Education board from 2021-2024 and served as president during my last year. In 2016 I was seated at the Utah Medical School URLEND board as a parent (Utah Regional Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities) this was in conjunction to a seat with the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) parent/professional board which I served on from 2015-2017. Lastly, I served on the Pathfinders board for special education in North Dakota from 2014-2016.

    In 2011-2013 I was asked to participate in the AAP Bright Futures parent committee through ND, this is a committee I served on in Michigan in 2006-2008. Also, in Michigan I served with CAUSE (Citizens Alliance to Uphold Special Education) and lobbied for a number of programs and trainings around the state in 2004-2007.

    Qualifications for this office: I am a resident of Williston and have committed myself and my time to the betterment of the community. In 2016 I was elected to the district #1 school board and was reelected. I was elected to the district #7 school board and am now seeking re-election.

    I feel I am qualified because I have experience as a board member and as a school board member. I am only one person and do not have control of any board, but I do my duty in asking questions, debating agenda items and ideals and most importantly I listen to the public. As elected officials it is our duty to listen to the public, follow century code, uphold the law and follow the duties and responsibilities of an elected school board member.

    Why do you want to run for this office?: I am only one person, but one person can achieve monumental things if they persevere and push. I have always believed that everyone, regardless of their background, health, social statues or any label is entitled to an equal education and should be provided the tools to achieve that. As a school board member, it is our responsibility to ensure that the children in our district are being educated in a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) setting. Children should feel safe going to school and parents should feel that their children are safe. Our current environment and our society, as a whole, can make that difficult at times. I have always been committed to a safe environment for children to be able to learn in and still stand behind that. The funding for education in ND can be complex and aggravating at times. However, I want to ensure that the funds used for education are being used appropriately and to the most benefit that they can be used for. Most importantly though, the community needs to understand how the money is used and why, this is something I want to make sure happens consistently and regularly. All children are special and precious, some need more tools and assistance then others. I want to make sure that all the tools needed are available to all children to be successful, regardless of their abilities.

    Lastly, I want to help mend the hurt our community has. There are a number of issues, and it is impossible for one person to solve them all but, education should never be a problem and it should always be available. I would like to see the board and the community working together to solve the problems we have in education in Williston that have nothing to do with the actual education of our youth.

    I am not an all-sunshine and roses type of person, as some may perceive me to be, but I am an optimist. Children learn from seeing and hearing adults and following their example, I want to be an example for all children that you can have different points of view and not agree with others on issues, but you can find common ground and you most definitely can respect one another and work to find solutions.

    My platform has been Positive Inclusive Forward Motion, and this has not changed.



  • I am a single 61 year old mother of one daughter, (LaLena)son-in-law (Michael )and one beautiful granddaughter (Angelea -sunshine). I have 5-fur babies that I call my children 😆.

    I am from the south. Born and raised in Bossier City, Louisiana. I moved my residence to Williston, North Dakota back in Dec 2020. Where I reside with my kids and beautiful granddaughter. My granddaughter is currently attending Hagan elementary, 4th. Next school year she will be attending Bakken Ridge 5th grade.

    My passion is, fishing, love cooking and finding new recipes. I love cooking for family and friends, as well as gathers. I love decorating for the holidays. I love watching my New Orleans Saints and LSU Tigers, college football. I love spending time with my beautiful granddaughter (sunshine).I love watching crime shows and action movies. I will watch cartoons to bring out my inner child.

    Achievements/other boards & community involvement: My achievements are. I completed high at Bossier High School in bossier city Louisiana, I attended College at our community college. Bossier Parish Community college (BPCC) graduated in Medical Clerk and Medical Office Asst. I attend Axia university of Phoenix. studies Social worker and Administration.

    I held the position of Secretary and President of the PTA at my daughter's Middle and high schools. Back in Bossier City, Louisiana. I completed in the Distributed Clubs of America. I was completed in my high school beauty pageant. Received Honorable Mention. I owned my own cleaning business back in Louisiana. I am now a member of the PTO at my granddaughter's elementary school Hagan. I also volunteer with fundraising and chaperone on field trips with helping her classroom at times. I also, helped out with disabled students at the middle back in bossier city Louisiana

    Qualifications for this office: As for as any qualifications for this office. I believe with my experience with the PTO and helping with disabled students as a one in one. Being a bus driver. I feel I can bring a lot of different insights to the table as a board member. Coupled with having a personable personality I can mix well with making decisions that will be good for all teachers, students and facility. I am a go getter as well as a fighter and don't give in until there is a resolution.

    Why do you want to run for this office?: My envision for running for a seat on the school board. Is to try and enhance more of a community communication. Enhance a more brighter side of our education moving forward. With helping to guide our young and ambitious students. In believing that have a future after grade school and high school. These students are our new generation. I would like to embrace there intelligence as the "I can do anything" "the sky is the limit". Help with implementing a way to bring up the academic scores with higher percentage of graduates. Have more a of support system.

WBSD#7 school board: OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS (1 seat)

  • I moved to Williston in the summer of 2014 on a two-month plan to fulfill an internship requirement. After 10 years living in Williston, I am happy to call it home.

    I grew up in Tacoma Washington in a family of 7 boys. Sports have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, eventually leading me to where I am today.

    I attained a master’s degree in business administration and a graduate certificate in athletic administration in the fall of 2018 from Southern New Hampshire University. I also received an undergraduate bachelor’s degree in sport management, and a minor degree in philosophy from Gonzaga University, class of 2014.

    I currently serve as the Executive Director of the Williston Parks & Recreation District and have been in this position going on for 2 years in August 2024.

    My time in Williston has been full of professional and personal growth. Professionally, I've been blessed over the years to work with & around great leaders, co-workers & friends, and am humbled each day by the fact that I am trusted with holding the office of WPRD's Executive Director. I strive every day to serve the WPRD staff & community of Williston to the best of my ability. Personally, I met my wife in Williston in 2015, at the ARC of all places. A true Williston girl to her core. Better yet, my Wife and I welcomed our first child "AJ", into this world on 9.24.23. Having a child and wanting to help where it appears help is needed is my prime motivator in running for this position. I don't think I have all the answers and If voted in as a board member I certainly wouldn't be the "smartest" person at the table, simply put I just want to help.

    When asked about my "why", my gut leads me to say that if there appears to be a problem and you are in a position to help, in the end choosing not to help aligns you more with the problem, than the solution. I believe that with my full heart and am running not because I would rather be on the side of solutions than problems.

    Achievements/other boards & community involvement: Current Executive Director at the Williston Parks & Recreation District

    Coached Basketball at WHS from 2015-2024

    20 under 40 award winner

    NDRPA Public Administration Committee member

    NDRPA President - Elect (I will be the NDRPA President next year)

    NRPA Young Professionals Committee chair

    Qualifications for this office: I have experience with municipal bonding through management of the ARC. I also have experience working for a public organization so I know well the value of transparency and accessibility. I understand the role of a public board through my profession and responsiveness/involvement with the WPRD Park Board. I take pride in my ability to communicate professionally and help to foster professional and productive communication in group settings.

    Why do you want to run for this office?: In order of priority, I am running for a position on the WBSD # 7 board, with the aim of addressing what I believe are currently the WBSD # 7's biggest obstacles.

    1. Lack of public trust

    - I hope I can help to foster more trust & faith in WBSD#7 Administration & Faculty

    2. Staffing shortages

    - I hope to bring new ideas to the table to help WBSD# 7 incentivize new faculty to live and work in Williston.

    3. Poor Infrastructure

    - I hope to join in with the efforts of the current board & administration to update current facilities/spaces, phase out the spaces that should no longer be used & build new facilities to better serve the youth in our community.

  • I was born and raised in Williston North Dakota. Attended Round Prairie 1-8th grade and graduated Williston High School in 1995. I joined the National Guard as a Senior in High School. Attended Basic Training at Fort Jackson South Carolina and my EMT course at Fort Sam Houston Texas. I served the North Dakota National Guard and Mississippi Army National Guard. In 2004 I became the Training NCO of 859th Engineer Company, 890th Engineer Battalion in Pascagoula Mississippi. I later was promoted to Readiness NCO of the Company and Deployed in 2013. After deployment I retired and returned back to North Dakota to start my new chapter and Civilian career and reintegration into my home town. My husband and I were married for 22 years and had 4 boys, 3 of them graduated Trenton High School. Our oldest graduated Vancleave High School. I have been a cub scout leader for many years until I was deployed. A Pee Wee football coach and mentor as Training NCO and Readiness NCO.

    Achievements/other boards & community involvement: I have been assigned many additional duties in the Military to include: Safety NCO, EO,EEOCompliance NCO, mail clerk, Army Funds Manager, Morale and Welfare NCO. Awarded Bronze Star, many ARCOM and Achievement medals through out my 21 years

    Qualifications for this office: 21 years experience working with many different kinds of people. Liason during National and State disasters with Fema, Melanie and local law enforcement

    Why do you want to run for this office?: I believe I have the experience and knowledge to assist our board members and staff to achieve the goals in building strong school relations and improving our proficiency scores.





  • Born and raised in Williston. WHS graduate. BA Jamestown College, BS and DDS at University of Minnesota. 40 years practicing Dentistry here. Scoutmaster Troop 361 for 10 years. Charter member Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, served on Council and as Congregation President. Army veteran 26 years of service Reserves and NG, deployed to Iraq in 2005-2006. Elected State Senate 2014. Currently Chairman of the ND Senate Appropriations Committee. Treasurer Theodore Roosevelt Expressway and Secretary Ports to Plains Transportation Alliance. 25 years on the USA Hockey National Board of Directors, currently Director Emeritus. Prior service on the ND Oil and Gas Producing Counties and the ND League of Cities Executive Committee.

    Achievements/other boards & community involvement: Multiple military awards, ND Dental Association Distinguished Service Award, ND League of Cities 2018 Elected Official of the Year. Over 20 years of service on the Eckert Youth Foundation Board, President of the Communities for a Modern Highway 2 when the four-lane project from Minot to Williston was completed. Currently working on Highway 85 four-lane project. Williston Chamber past Western Star award winner.

    Qualifications for this office: Prior elective office of 8 years Williston Park Board. Currently in my 28th year as Williston City Finance Commissioner. US Army veteran, family history in Williston over 100 years, active in church and community organizations. Represent city interests in the ND Legislature as a Senator for District 1.

    Why do you want to run for this office?: I believe in Williston and want to continue to make it a wonderful place to live and raise families. Feel my experience and expertise could still be beneficial helping to manage any revenue reductions that could happen due to local and state ballot decisions. Want to work toward continued growth and prosperity for Williston and the Region.

  • Victoria “Tori” Siemieniewski currently serves as a Commissioner on the Williston Planning and Zoning Commission. She has worked in the oil and gas industry for 13 years. Siemieniewski currently works for Grayson Mill Energy as the Regulatory Supervisor overseeing local, state, and federal regulatory compliance.

    Originally from Beulah, North Dakota, Siemieniewski earned a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of North Dakota in 2010. In 2011, she earned a Master of Science in Business Management from Minot State University. Siemieniewski, her husband, and their two children have made Williston their home since 2018.

    Achievements/other boards & community involvement: *2022 to present Williston Planning and Zoning Commissioner

    *Grayson Mill Energy Community Engagement Team Member

    *Williston Women's Network Involvement

    Qualifications for this office:: I have over a decade of Regulatory experience working with local, state, and federal regulators on difficult projects. Often these projects involve extensive problem solving and finding the "win-win" allowing stakeholders to compromise in order to move the project forward. Being a current Williston Planning and Zoning Commissioner, I have experience working with the City and citizens to move projects forward. In my spare time, I manage the financial and business side of my co-owned consulting firm, Cutting Edge Consulting.

    Why do you want to run for this office?: 1) I am passionate about Williston and its future.

    2) I believe in the importance of being active in your community.

    3) I am an active problem solver. I believe my unique perspective and experience will serve Williston well.

  • My name is Mason White. I was born and raised here as were my parents, grandparents and great grandparents. I participated in sports such as soccer, football, baseball, was a member of 4-H and play musical instruments.

    Achievements/other boards & community involvement: I received the John Philip Sousa Award, a prestigious award that honors the top student in a high school band. A member of the Williston Brum and Bugle Cor. for going 15 years and the last 3 years been Vice President. Volunteer for the Williston Honor Guard in playing Tapps for members of the armed forces. Perform in ringing hand bells for church.

    Qualifications for this office: A tax paying citizen willing to learn and participate on personal time. Ability to have/keep an open dialect with any and all people.

    Why do you want to run for this office?: I want to have a further understanding of the way our taxes are being spent and being able to share that knowledge with the people I want to represent in my hometown.

  • Alex McCann Johnson is a dedicated community leader and business owner based in his hometown of Williston, North Dakota. Born and raised in Williston, Alex has spent his entire life actively engaged in enhancing his community. He currently serves as the General Manager of Rivers Edge Bar and Grill and 4 Mile Bar, and owns Midwest Metaphysics, a business reflecting his deep interest in alternative therapies.

    An author and lifelong learner, Alex is continually expanding his knowledge through certification classes and further education. His commitment to personal and professional growth has earned him recognition, including the "20 under 40" and "Generation Next" awards.

    Married to Eugene Johnson in 2021, Alex enjoys traveling and immersing himself in diverse cultures, which fuels his broad perspective on life and people. He has been a proactive advocate for the LGBTQ community, founding the Rainbow Rendezvous group, and coordinating the ND LGBTQ Summit. His involvement extends to significant roles such as serving on the North Dakota Human Rights Coalition board and contributing to various local initiatives.

    Alex holds a bachelor's degree in psychology and boasts certifications as a life coach, hypnotherapist, energy healer, and sound healer. His profound interest in understanding and serving people is evident in his roles on the Williston Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and the Williston Area Community Library Board.

    A participant in the Leadership Williston program, Alex initiated "Conversations Beyond Life," a series fostering open dialogues on life and death, hosted at the local library. With a life dedicated to service, learning, and advocacy, Alex McCann Johnson continues to be a vital force for positive change in Williston.

    Achievements/other boards & community involvement: General Manager of Rivers Edge Bar and Grill and 4 Mile Bar.

    Owner of Midwest Metaphysics.

    Recipient of "20 under 40" and "Generation Next" awards.

    Founder of Rainbow Rendezvous, a local LGBTQ organization.

    Coordinator for the ND LGBTQ Summit for two years.

    Former board member of the North Dakota Human Rights Coalition.

    Offers workshops for self-development and has also provided sound healing experiences and classes for different professions including teaching a class to teachers about meditation and speaking on self-care at the Opportunity Foundation quarterly. Alex has also provided classes during Readersville the last two years.

    Board of Directors for the Williston Area Chamber of Commerce.

    Member of the Williston Area Community Library Board.

    Creator of "Conversations Beyond Life," a community dialogue series.


    Qualifications for this office: As I consider my qualifications for the role of City Commissioner in Williston, North Dakota, my leadership capabilities and business acumen stand out as foundational strengths. My experience as the general manager of both Rivers Edge Bar and Grill and 4 Mile Bar has honed my ability to lead diverse teams and manage complex operations effectively. This role has not only sharpened my strategic planning skills but also deepened my understanding of the local economy, making me well-versed in the unique challenges and opportunities that face our business community.

    In addition to managing these establishments, I also own Midwest Metaphysics, a venture that reflects my entrepreneurial spirit and my commitment to bringing new and innovative perspectives to our town. This business, along with my extensive involvement in community initiatives such as Rainbow Rendezvous and the ND LGBTQ Summit, showcases my dedication to inclusivity and community engagement.

    My broad educational background, which includes a bachelor’s degree in psychology and multiple certifications in areas such as life coaching and energy healing, complements my professional experiences by providing me with a deep understanding of human behavior. This unique blend of insights enables me to approach city governance from a fresh, holistic perspective that prioritizes the well-being and development of all community members.

    These combined experiences make me a uniquely qualified candidate for City Commissioner, ready to bring leadership, innovative business strategies, and a fresh perspective to the table, all aimed at fostering a thriving, inclusive Williston.

    Why do you want to run for this office?: My decision to run for the Williston City Commission stems from a deep-rooted commitment to service and a profound belief in the potential of our community. Williston holds a very special place in my heart, and I am driven by the conviction that it can achieve even greater heights. As someone who has spent my entire career in customer service, I bring a unique perspective to governance—one that is often underrepresented yet critically important for understanding the real needs and aspirations of our community.

    Throughout my life and career, I have developed an innate ability to help and serve others effectively, navigating through challenges with a broad, inclusive perspective. This approach has not only been beneficial in customer service but is also essential in public service, where diverse viewpoints and collaborative solutions are key to enhancing community life. I see running for office as an opportunity to raise the quality of life in Williston, transforming it into a place people are proud to call home and eager to visit.

    We boast a wonderfully diverse culture here in Williston, a trait that should be celebrated and more prominently featured in our community narrative. My campaign is about leveraging this diversity to foster a more inclusive and transparent governance model. I am committed to creating actionable plans and employing solution-based approaches to address the city’s challenges.

    I am here to ensure that our community not only thrives today but is also well-prepared for tomorrow. My aim is to act as a pillar of change, encouraging my generation to embrace leadership roles and take responsibility for shaping our future. By building our community today, we set the foundation for a stronger, unified tomorrow. I am running for office because I believe in accountability, in service, and in the power of community to effect meaningful change.


  • Life long Williams County resident seeking re-election to the Williams County Commission. I have been involved in several businesses and have been active in the community.

    Achievements/other boards & community involvement: Previously been involved with:

    United Way

    Noon Lions

    Williams County Vector Control Board Chair

    Currently on:

    Williams County Commission - Chairman

    Upper Missouri District Health Unit Board Memeber

    ND Atmospheric Resource Board Member

    Governor Burgum’s trade mission to Japan Business Representative

    Qualifications for this office: I worked for Williams County in the IT Department in the early 2000’s, that experience exposed to me to all of the departments that make up the county and worked with most of the staff. I have also been a life long resident of the County and have spent the last 7.5 years on the County Commission. Prior to being on County Commission I served 8 years on the Williams County Vector Control Board.

    Why do you want to run for this office?: I have more to give to Williams County and its voters should they choose to elect me. There are a lot of exciting new industrial developments which I have been working on as the Economic Development Portfolio holder and I would like to see those projects to fruition.

  • I am a native of Williston and married to my wife Robin for 36 years. I'm a Williston HS graduate and also a graduate of Hawkeye Institute of Technology and Trinity Bible College and Graduate School. Robin and I have one son, Nathan. He and his wife Tiffany are both on staff at Trinity Bible College and Graduate School.

    Achievements/other boards & community involvement: Chris is currently serving as a board member of the Williston Basin School District #7 and as a Chaplain PRN for Commonspirit Health/CHI St. Alexius Medical Center. He has served on numerous local and regional boards in the past.

    Qualifications for this office: I have more than 30 years experience in serving people, working with people and taking leadership positions. I have a common sense approach to working though challenges with both individuals and situations.

    Why do you want to run for this office?: Being native to this community, I want the best for it and its people. I'm excited about the recent growth to our region and want to do all I can to promote a wise and sustainable growth to Williams County. I also find intense satisfaction in making things better if necessary and possible! Simply put, I love my community and want to serve it and make it the best it can be.

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